achieving your dreams, indie authors, writer tips, writing

Tips before you self-publish

booksTechnology is changing so quickly, that the tools are available like never before within online bookstores, like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, to help you create covers, design the interior, even check for spelling errors!

But, in your fantastic enthusiasm, one tiny piece of advice I’d give is to remember that publishing is a business, it’s not an after school assignment or a hobby. Publishing should be treated as a professional business, work with professionals, don’t skimp on your editing or covers. Don’t trust a “critique group” for your editing. Even though sites like Amazon allow you to make your own covers, which is fine, however, if you want your book cover to not look “cookie cutter,” I’d suggest a professional graphic designer, they know what they’re doing, hire them and allow them to create a one-of-a-kind book cover that will stand out. Use professional editors, don’t try to edit your book yourself, and don’t just have a friend or cousin do it, unless they are a professional, experienced editor.

You’ve jumped into the world of publishing, take it serious and be taken seriously by being professional. Let’s keep publishing with high standards and not put out sloppy work. Yes, it takes time. Don’t be too quick to put your book out there before it’s completely, and I mean, completely ready. You may be anxious to see your name on Amazon, but in the long run, taking the time to make sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, is to your benefit.

With all that said, it really makes me smile warmly to see so many people publishing themselves and jumping in with both feet and using the courage they’ve mustered up to do so; and believe me, it takes courage to put your work out there.

So, once you’ve hit the “publish” button, sit back and congratulate yourself for doing something so many dream of, but haven’t (yet) found the courage.

Catherine Burr is the author of 14 books and has published over 120 books via New Line Press. 

The Soul of a book

8 thoughts on “Tips before you self-publish”

  1. The other thing I wanted to add about having a professional graphic artist doing your book cover, is there now are many sites that offer pre-made covers that are professionally created and look unique and beautiful. Many of these sites, once you purchase a pre-made cover, remove that cover for sale, so you have a one-of-a kind book cover. The way these sites work, is they put up samples, you buy one that you think is perfect for your book, then they add your name and title.

    By the way, I have no affiliation and do not make pre-mades, so I’m not self-promoting my company, nor am I pushing any one company over another, although I do have some favorites who I think do outstanding work, for a reasonable price.


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